NEVADA Nevada Revised Statutes (last amended in 1981), Sections 118.105, 651.050, 651.070, 651.075, 651.080, 704.143, 704.145, 706.361, and 706.366; and Chapter 426 Under Nevada statutes a blind person has a legal right to be accompanied by a specially trained dog guide in all public accommodations and on all public transportation. No extra charge can be levied because of the dog's presence, but the dog guide user is liable for any damage the dog might cause to the premises. A dog guide user who operates a vending stand has the right to keep his or her dog with him or on the vending stand premises. A dog guide user has a legal right to equal housing accommodation and can enforce this right through injunctive relief with damages. An identification card issued by a dog guide school is sufficient proof that the dog is specially trained in guide work. Public accommodations include hotels, restaurants, stores, places of resort and amusement, and all places to which the general public is invited. (*651.050, *651.070, *651.075) Public transportation includes trains, buses, airplanes, taxis, and all other forms of public conveyance offered for public use. (*651.070, *704.143, *704.145, *706.361, *706.366) Housing covers rental properties. The statute contains a provision that the law is to be interpreted liberally. (*118.105) Violation: Any person who interferes with the legal rights of a blind person as outlined under Nevada law is guilty of a misdemeanor and punishable accordingly. (*651.080)